Bridal Shows

Viva Las Vegas

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I’m at the airport ready to board my plane leaving for Las Vegas, heading out to the annual Wedding MBA  convention for wedding pros. The trip will cover 4 action packed days with over 90 seminars presented by the industry’s top speakers such as Alan Berg , Rene Van Rems, Sonny Ganguly of Wedding Wire and those are just a few of the notable presenters. The Conference is geared to business, technology, style and trends and Oh I don’t want to forget the Vegas shows and great dining. I am also grateful to be able to visit with my sister who lives in Las Vegas and I am especially excited about our tickets to Cirque Du Soleil…The Beatle LOVE. So my few days off will not necessarily be relaxing by the pool, however I plan to come back with many new ideas for my business and my bridal clients. So Viva Las Vegas it is….till later, Peace & Love